
Superannuation fees fall for the first time in six years

86400, Up Bank and BOQ the latest to cut interest rates on savings accounts

UBank cuts savings rate by 31 basis points

Women increasingly invested in shares – NAB

ING to cut savings account interest rate for the FOURTH time this year

Most Australians couldn’t cover $1,000 in an emergency

A quarter of Australians weren’t taught about money as children

Three in four Aussies now savings focused: UBank

NAB, ANZ, Westpac & more: The banks who cut term deposit rates in September

NAB to remove over 100 customer fees

Physical health, not financial fitness the focus for millennial women

ANZ and RAMS shearing more points off savings account rates

Australians leaving $10 billion on the table in unclaimed benefits every year

ING cutting max Savings Maximiser rate to 2.20%

Electricity costs fall but consumers can still save more

RBA hits back at wealthy baby boomers

Consumer sentiment slips 1.7% in September: Westpac

Fewer Aussies planning holidays but Gen Ys still keen to travel

Australians spend $1,460 every year replacing items instead of fixing them

86 400 launches products, reveals interest rates

Women more likely to use buy-now, pay-later schemes like Afterpay

Slowest economic growth since the GFC

Aussies losing $500 every time they travel by making these mistakes

Popular savings app Moneytree launches new budgeting tool

Family time tops Dad’s wishlist this Father’s Day

Westpac cuts max interest rate on Westpac Life savings account to 1.95%

Nearly half of Australians have heard of superannuation reforms, research finds