
Recent articles for this author

Heritage and People's Choice mull over merger

Rents surge a 'concerning' 13.7% in a year to a $508 median

Why do house prices seem to appreciate faster than units?

Inquiry signals crackdown on using credit cards for online gambling

Regulator makes it harder to become a bank in post-Xinja world

Buyer's agent gives tips on buying a property with friends or family

ATM withdrawals crater again amid ongoing lockdowns

Queensland Country Bank now has a home loan under 2%

Small business payrolls hit hardest as lockdowns drag on

With Square's takeover of Afterpay, does Australian BNPL have a future?

Despite winding down in Australia, Citi launches new BNPL 'Spot'

Pullback in home lending points to plateauing market

Great Southern Bank slashes home loan rates, while BOQ and UBank increase

Gen Z and Millennials keener to invest than older generations

COVID disaster payment boosted to $750

Annual inflation hits 3.8% as childcare fees come roaring back

A quarter of year 12 students don't study maths at all

Freedom Lend slashes SMSF loan rates as sector heats up

Doubts over Treasury's claim that people are dying with 90% of their retirement savings

Retail trade falls half a billion dollars as states lock down

How does inflation affect the share market?

More relief for mortgage holders as CommBank suspends foreclosures

What are the benefits and drawbacks of buying at auction?

Number of wage earners to fall, welfare recipients to rise: CommBank

Beyond Bank slashes home loan rates for FHLDS participants

Consumer confidence bounces back despite Sydney lockdowns

COVID 'disaster payment' bumped to $600